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Ideal birth debate at InnovateHealth

What makes an “ideal birth” will be discussed by one of Scotland’s top maternity and health care researchers at an event highlighting Scotland’s innovation in health care and science

Innovate Health, organised by VisitScotland Business Events in partnership with Aberdeen Convention and Events Bureau, will feature three leading Scottish experts on how we ensure Scotland retains its place as a leading country for health care and science.

Held at Jurys Inn in Aberdeen on 24 October, InnovateHealth is the latest in the national tourism organisation’s series of networking events that explore the incredible innovation taking place across the country and provide the catalyst for collaboration on future business events.

Among the speakers is Professor Helen Cheyne, based at the University of Stirling’s Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research Unit, a midwife internationally recognised for her research in maternity care.

Professor Cheyne has evaluated maternity care policy, its impact on the way services are provided and women’s experiences for many years.

She recently posed the question to her Twitter followers “What’s the ideal birth in five words?” with almost all 50 responses commenting on the process of birth rather than focusing on a “safe” outcome for mother and child.

“Kindness” and “respect” were among the most popular words in all responses.

Professor Helen Cheyne said: “Birth is a universal experience yet at the same time each birth is unique and the experience of giving birth is always life changing. A positive experience of childbirth is not merely ‘nice to have’ it is of central importance for the long-term health and wellbeing of mothers, infants and families.

“Responses to the Twitter question showed that women’s experience of the context and process of labour and birth may be as important as the outcome.”

Her talk comes as NHS Grampian moves forward with its plans for The Baird Family Hospital and The ANCHOR Centre Project – a £163.7 million building development – at the Foresterhill Health Campus in Aberdeen.

Also speaking at InnovateHealth will be:

  • Professor Lora Heisler, of Aberdeen Universities Rowett Institute, an international expert in obesity who will ask why it is spreading across the world and strategies to combat it.
  • Professor Alex Johnstone, also of Aberdeen Universities Rowett Institute, a recognised leading innovative UK researcher within the field of human appetite control who will discuss “healthy ageing”.

Digital technologies, ageing populations, access to appropriate care regardless of means and ever-increasing awareness of diet and its effect are all shaping the current debate around how best to look after our health.

Innovate the Nation brings together experts, influencers and the next generation of pioneers and innovators in a series of engaging talks throughout the country, exploring the incredible innovation taking place across the country.

Patrick Lamont, Specialist, Associations and Sectors at VisitScotland Business Events, said: “VisitScotland is excited to be partnering with the Aberdeen Convention and Events Bureau to bring the Innovate the Nation series of public talks to Aberdeen this October.

“Health is a hugely important subject for Scotland, and an area in which we are globally recognised as being key innovators and leaders in medical science and technology. And yet, Scotland has health care challenges, and so it is important to come together, to learn and to share ideas about how we can all make the important changes necessary and keep innovating our nation.”

Laurie Scott, Head of Aberdeen Convention and Events Bureau, said: “We are delighted to partner with VisitScotland and welcome the first Innovate event to Aberdeen. Partnering on events like this will allow the Aberdeen Convention & Events Bureau to be more strategic in its sectorial sales and marketing process helping to confirm future Life Science conference business to Aberdeen.”

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Ideal birth debate at InnovateHealth

Scotland’s innovation in health care and science highlighted

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ID 111427
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