LicenceRoyalty FreeYou can use this asset for marketing and advertising campaigns promoting Scotland as a tourism destination without paying royalties or license fees. It can be used for creating promotional materials, advertisements, and digital campaigns to highlight Scotland's experiences to encourage people to Live, work, study, or visit. However, it can't be used for any other purpose that doesn't promote Scotland.Expiry
No expiry date
Release dateAdded atUpdated at:Source:VisitScotland Media ToolkitCredit
VisitScotland / Paul Tomkins
UsageTourism businesses and travel media can publish this content in a variety of formats including *digital *print *online *newspapers *magazines *blogs *websites *social media *presentations *brochures *leaflets. Regardless of the format this content should always promote Scotland’s tourism in a positive way. Read our terms of use for exclusions.LocationGlen FallochLoch Lomond The Trossachs Stirling and Forth ValleyScotlandView full term of use