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The Poetry of Robert Burns Centenary Edition

The Poetry of Robert Burns Centenary Edition

The Poetry of Robert Burns Centenary Edition, 4 volume set. The Caxton Publishing Company Limited, London; 1896.

Asset type image
Asset extension JPG
File size 16.3 MB
Dimensions 6720×4339px
ID 94821


Licence Royalty free You are free to use these assets multiple times at no cost if the usage benefits the Scottish Government. However, you must adhere to our terms of use and credit the specified person or business.
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Usage Tourism businesses and travel media can publish this content in a variety of formats including *digital *print *online *newspapers *magazines *blogs *websites *social media *presentations *brochures *leaflets. Regardless of the format this content should always promote Scotland’s tourism in a positive way. Read our terms of use for exclusions.
