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St Matthew’s Church

Perthshire Tourism Leadership Group appeals for new members

PEOPLE involved in tourism and events in Perthshire are being invited to put themselves forwards to join the Perthshire Tourism Leadership Group and help shape the strategic direction of the sector in the region.

Through the group, individuals from across the industry will feed into the next version of the Perthshire Tourism Action Plan, by offering their own insights, suggestions and ideas to ensure that tourism continues to support communities, businesses and jobs across Perth & Kinross.

The appeal comes at an important time for tourism in the region, on the back of a successful summer including high profile events such as The Hauntings at Black Watch Castle & Museum, Perth Show and UCI Cycling World Championships Gran Fondo, the upcoming launch of The Enchanted Forest and major openings next year such as The Scottish Crannog Centre and Perth Museum.

Councillor Andrew Parrott, Perth and Kinross Council’s Convener of Environment, Infrastructure and Economic Development said: “Building on what has already been achieved through the Perthshire Tourism Leadership Group is crucial for our local sector and economy. To maintain and develop the strengths of our area, and shape how tourism moves forward, we need people with fresh ideas and a keenness to work together to share their knowledge and expertise. I would very much encourage anyone in the tourism and events industry in Perth and Kinross who would like to be part of the group to get in touch.”

VisitScotland Destination Development Director Caroline Warburton said: “The Perthshire Tourism Leadership Group was first established in 2019 when the Perthshire Tourism Action Plan 2021-2025 was published. A group of ten individuals from different parts of the tourism industry stepped forwards to provide their expertise and experience and a huge thank you to them. Nothing stands still in tourism and with the challenges of recent years, it is time to refresh the action plan and we would welcome some new faces on the leadership group to help us achieve this.

“It is an exciting yet critical time for tourism in Perthshire. We know that many challenges still remain for our tourism and events industry and by bringing representatives together, we can work collaboratively to help shape the future direction of tourism in the region. There are so many opportunities to make more of the area’s wonderful natural and cultural attractions for visitors however this needs to be done in balance with local communities so that Perth & Kinross remains a much-loved place to live, work and visit for generations to come.”

Perthshire Tourism Leadership Group membership is on a voluntary basis, with individuals’ time being given freely. The group will comprise of up to ten members (CHECK) and is currently chaired by David Smythe of Cloag Farm Cottages . It is intended that the group will convene in-person three to four times a year.

For more information and to express an interest, visit:

Perthshire Tourism Leadership Group appeals for new members

Tipo de activo post
ID 192558
Recuento de palabras 495 palabras


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