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Reach for the stars


A self-catering cottage on a historical estate has scored a five-star award from VisitScotland on its first assessment.

Slackbrae, on the Brucefield Estate near Forestmill, was given the top award by the national tourism organisation, becoming the only accommodation of its standard in Clackmannanshire.

Originally a forester’s cottage and the gatehouse to the estate dating back to the 1700s, Slackbrae has been completely renovated using a conservation approach with sustainable materials to achieve an energy efficient house. 

As well as offering a top-quality stay, the estate, which sits close to Falkirk, Perth & Kinross, Fife and Stirlingshire, offers guests guided tours and walks, tree-planting experience, and bat walks. 

Our Quality Assurance visit determined that the accommodation offer an outstanding quality of guest accommodation, and the demonstration of exceptional standards in hospitality and cleanliness. 

Developed over the last four decades in partnership with the tourism industry and informed by visitor research, VisitScotland’s Quality Assurance schemes are world leading. They have been refreshed in line with the changing landscape, and in consultation with industry, to continue to provide a trusted, relevant and impartial source of information for visitors, as well as the businesses taking part.  

Neil Christison VisitScotland Regional Director, said:

“This award is a testament to all of the hard work and dedication of the Brucefield Estate team. They have worked tirelessly on the sustainability, biodiversity and accessibility of the estate, which is in line with VisitScotland’s own responsible tourism goals.

“By committing to creating a recognised quality experience, businesses are contributing to Clackmannanshire’s and Scotland’s overall reputation as a must-visit destination. We know that the impact of tourism spreads far beyond the industry itself - it benefits our economy, our community and our wellbeing.” 

Victoria Bruce-Winkler, who owns and manages the Brucefield Estate, said:

“The quality of the build and the atmosphere inside are difficult to quantify but they are tremendously important to a guest. An exceptionally high standard of accommodation is expected, and we believe we offer an exceptional guest journey. 

“Our hopes are to build on our luxury ecotourism offering with our recently introduced Schenbothies in the woodlands and consolidate our wildlife & heritage offering for our guests.”

For more information on Quality Assurance scheme visit:


Reach for the stars

VisitScotland awards five-star rating to Clackmannanshire accommodation on its first assessment

Asset type post
ID 117847
Word count 486 words


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