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Help Centre: How do I register?

In the top right hand corner of the site select the Log in button. You will be directed to a log in page. The Register button is at the bottom of the panel.

register and log in image

Note: that this will not be visible if you are already logged in to the site.


  • Select Register.
  • Enter your email address
  • Goto your inbox and select the email which will have a link to validate your account.
  • You can opt to use faster log in by selecting to log in via Google, Microsoft or Facebook.
  • Staff should select Single Sign on (SSO) via Active Directory button.
  • Read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy by checking the box
  • Select the Register button.

Set up account

  • Fill in the Registration Form, making sure to answer all fields, this is mandatory.
  • You will not be able to submit the form if any mandatory fields are left blank.
  • Select the check box to confirm you have read and agree to be bound by the Terms of Use and consent to the use of your data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
  • Once completed you will be able to search and request assets.

Note: Asset requests take up to two working days to be reviewed and approved.

If you have any queries regarding registration or about the progress of your registration application, contact site administrators. Goto contacts, scroll down to General enquiries and select ‘Support’.


Help Centre: How do I register?

Asset type post
ID 117712
Word count 245 words


Licence Editorial A Licence to use assets for editorial purposes, which is, to illustrate an event or story in an article but not commercially such as marketing a product or print ad. An Editorial asset may show a brand, a trademarked logo or product, a public personality, or recognisable people, without a signed release or with limited releases. When you use VisitScotland Editorial content you do so to illustrate Scottish tourism in a positive way.
Expiry No expiry date
Added at
Usage Editorial content can be published in a variety of formats ranging from print or digital to online. In print content can be featured in *newspapers *magazines *brochures. Online content can be published in a *blog *website *article or *social media. Regardless of the format this content should always promote Scotland’s tourism in a positive way.
