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VisitScotland CEO welcomes Screen Scotland report


Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive of VisitScotland, said:“Film and television productions are a shop window for the country’s amazing landscapes, heritage and culture. They provide inspiration for viewers to visit – we call those visitors ‘set-jetters’ – sometimes years after the production’s release. This long-term nature of screen tourism allows for the continual development of new visitor experiences and support for our regional economies.  “The report acknowledges that Outlander has been the largest contributor to screen tourism. It continues to inspire legions of fans from Northern America and Europe to visit filming locations and explore attractions associated with the Jacobite Rising.  “However, with Batman, Indiana Jones, James Bond, Fast and Furious and Avengers – some of the world’s biggest film franchises – all using Scotland as a location in recent years, there is huge potential for growth.  “That is why we will continue to work with tourism businesses, film distributors and TV broadcasters to deliver marketing campaigns to help increase its economic benefits to our regions in a sustainable way.” 

Commissioned by Screen Scotland and produced by Saffery Champness and Nordicity, the new independent report finds that the screen sector in Scotland contributed £567.6million to Scotland’s economy in 2019, providing 10,280 full time equivalent jobs.

The report values visitor expenditure on screen tourism activities at £64.9 million. It notes that the screen tourism expenditure results in £55 million GVA (Gross Value Added) to the Scottish economy, sustaining 1220 full time jobs. 

The Screen Scotland announcement can be found here: 



VisitScotland CEO welcomes Screen Scotland report

Screen Tourism valued at £55 million GVA to Scottish economy

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ID 111765
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