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City’s finest


Commenting on Dunfermline being named a city as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, Malcolm Roughead, VisitScotland Chief Executive, said: “What a wonderful honour for Dunfermline to be granted city status and I’d like to pass on my congratulations to everyone involved in achieving this.  “It is fitting with its royal connections, rich heritage and historic role as Scotland’s ancient capital that Dunfermline will once again take a prominent place in the country’s world-famous offering. This increased profile brings with it a wealth of opportunities, particularly for the city’s tourism experiences. It will undoubtedly open up Dunfermline to new audiences, position it as a city break destination and ultimately bring more visitors to the area and the wider region.  “At a time when the tourism industry recovers from one of its most challenging periods, today’s announcement brings fresh hopes of local recovery. Tourism is a force for good. It creates jobs, sustains communities and contributes significantly to the economy.”

City's finest

City status brings ‘fresh hopes’ for local tourism recovery

Asset type post
ID 111759
Word count 173 words


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