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Vehicle Fund Is On Point


Scotland’s electric vehicle charge point network is set to receive a boost with the launch today (Wednesday, 11 May) of a new fund aimed at driving sustainable travel in the tourism industry.

The <a href=””><em>Electric Vehicle Charge Point Tourism Recovery Fund</em></a>, part of the Destination Net Zero programme, will help support businesses to recover from the impacts of COVID-19 in a sustainable manner.

Scottish tourism businesses will be able to apply for funding to assist with the installation of an electric vehicle charge point on their premises. The move is designed to improve the network of charge points across Scotland and encourage responsible tourism practices with both visitors and businesses.

The £325k fund will support around 100 charge points by providing tourism businesses with up to 75% of the cost of installation. It will be administered by Energy Saving Trust on behalf of national tourism organisation, VisitScotland, and the Scottish Government, and is open to all tourism businesses classed as SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). 

Due to their lower running costs, electric vehicles are becoming an increasingly attractive transport option and are a crucial step in decarbonising the transport system, improving air quality, and contributing to Scotland’s climate target of achieving net zero emissions by 2045.

The number of new plug-in vehicles registered in the UK has increased significantly in recent years. As of March, 22.2% of new registered vehicles were electric – bringing the number of electric vehicles on the road to more than 700,000.

While 72% of Scotland residents use their own petrol/diesel car when taking breaks and holidays in Scotland, according to VisitScotland research*, 43% are interested in changing to electric/hybrid “within the next few years”, with price and fears around sufficient charging points among the main obstacles.

The UK has more than 50,000 EV connectors in 18,000 different locations, 10% of which are located in Scotland which has the highest number of public charge points by population (per 100,000 inhabitants)**.

Energy Saving Trust mapped the location of EV charge points on some of Scotland’s popular driving routes, on behalf of VisitScotland. It found a total of 1,933 charge points within five miles of a tourist route, which include the South West Coastal 300, North East 250 and North Coast 500. VisitScotland will be encouraging businesses within areas where EV charge points are limited to apply for the fund.

The Destination Net Zero programme is a key strand in the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Programme. It aims to support businesses and destinations as they transition to a future of net zero emissions.

The programme is being delivered on behalf of the Scottish Tourism Emergency Response Group (STERG) by Scottish Enterprise (SE), VisitScotland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), South of Scotland Enterprise (SoSE) and partners.   

Tourism Minister Ivan McKee said:“Destination Net Zero aims to support Scotland’s tourism sector to transition to a low carbon future through globally recognised leadership in responsible, sustainable managed growth. This funding will play a significant role in helping businesses install the charging points, which will in turn make driving an electric car further appealing, as well as aiding the decarbonisation of the transport system across Scotland.”Rob Dickson, Director of Industry &amp; Destination Development at VisitScotland and Chair of the Scottish Tourism Emergency Response Group (STERG), said:This fund will enable businesses to position sustainability at the heart of their recovery and ensure their offering will make it easier for visitors to make environmentally conscious travel decisions. “By working together, we can help Scotland become a world-class destination, and the best destination for responsible tourism. Taking action on climate change will not only reduce costs and build resilience, but it will meet the increasing consumer demand for responsible and sustainably focused businesses.”Neil Leckie, senior programme manager at Energy Saving Trust said:“We’re pleased to be delivering this new funding which will support businesses in the transition to electric vehicles and give a boost to sustainable travel overall, helping Scotland’s drive towards achieving its net zero targets.”

EVA (Electric Vehicle Association) Scotland, which represents electric vehicle owners in Scotland and promotes the switch to electric vehicles, has welcomed the launch of the fund.

Neil Swanson, EVA Scotland Director, said:“Scotland’s hospitality sector is already responding, as EVA Scotland has found through its own investigations, but there is still much to do especially by those businesses outside the main conurbations and central belt of the country. Those hotels and catering businesses located in outlying areas must rapidly install multiple EV destination charge points to retain those customers making the shift, as well as developing new business opportunities from the increasing numbers of EV drivers coming on to our roads.”

The <em>Electric Vehicle Charge Point Tourism Recovery Fund</em> will provide a one-off payment to tourism businesses towards the installation of an electric vehicle charge point. <strong>There is limited funding available, and it will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. </strong> 

The criteria and guidance for the Fund is available now. Applications are open from 12pm today (11 May) and will close on 8 September (or earlier if budget is utilised before this date). 

For more information visit:


*Scotland Residents’ Survey:

**Electric vehicle charging device statistics: January 2022 - GOV.UK (


Vehicle Fund Is On Point

Electric Vehicle charge point fund to drive sustainable travel

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