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Reconnecting Scotland with vital overseas markets


Scottish tourism businesses engaged directly with tour operators, travel advisors and Destination Management Companies representing key global markets at an event earlier this month, to drive bookings from visitors from abroad once again. 

Discover Scotland: Reconnect 2022 is part of VisitScotland’s activity to rebuild international tourism demand, as well as supporting the country’s ambitions to be a leading destination for responsibletourism. 

In all, 324 Scottish businesses engaged with 298 international tour operators and travel agents from 21 global markets at the three-day online event earlier this month.

4,455 meetings were facilitated on the virtual platform through 1-2-1 meetings, highlighting the best of Scotland’s responsible tourism products. 

While inbound travel accounts for a fifth of all visitors to Scotland, it provides more than 40% of the overall spending.  Scotland’s key international markets according to spend pre-pandemic were USA, Germany, Australia, China and France. * 

Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive, VisitScotland said:

“Discover Scotland 2022 enables Scottish businesses to connect with key buyers from around the globe to help attract visitors, from near and far, to help rebuild Scotland’s valuable tourismindustry. As well as the economic benefits of engaging with global markets, Discover Scotland was a hugely enjoyable week in terms of reconnecting with colleagues and customers from around the world. We look forward to sharing our stunning landscapes, history, culture and warm welcome with visitors this summer and beyond.” 

Idy Davidson, Sales & Marketing Pioneer, Dark Sky Spirits based in Moffat said:Nell Nelson, Owner, Edinburgh Food Safari said:Jill Chalmers, Managing Director, Glenapp Castle in Girvan said:Robert Miller, Product Manager for Goway Travel, based in Canada said:Nick Landy, Supplier Relationship Manager with Brendan Vacations, whose main market is the USA said:

*According to 2019 International Passenger Survey data 


Reconnecting Scotland with vital overseas markets

VisitScotland virtual travel trade event extends welcome to the world

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ID 111747
Word count 788 words


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