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Working in tourism


TOURISM increases local employment opportunities and will aid recovery for communities across Scotland, a recent survey has found.

The research* conducted by 56 Degree Insight on behalf of VisitScotland found that 79% of Scotland’s residents said tourism increases local employment opportunities. 87% of those living in tourist areas also believe that tourism will help support local recovery from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

84% of respondents also said that tourism supports a range of other jobs in their area, such as food, retail and other services. Almost one in ten residents of Scotland are personally or have household members employed directly or indirectly in the tourism sector. This level is highest in the Highlands & Islands (22%), Edinburgh (14% and Glasgow (11%). 

The survey found that the tourism industry is viewed positively in Scotland, with 94% of those surveyed stating they were positive about the tourism industry. A wide number of positive were cited, including economic benefits (55%), employment opportunities (15%) and showcasing the beauty of Scotland (18%). 

The results have been revealed during Scottish Tourism Month as VisitScotland launches a series of videos highlighting the range and variety of jobs across the sector. Before the pandemic, tourism was worth £11.5billion to the Scottish economy, supporting more than 217,000 jobs. 

The series of video case studies showcase the diverse range of dynamic jobs available within the tourism and events industry. The series features a tree climber based in the Scottish Borders, a distillery manager in Glasgow and a restaurant owner in Stirlingshire. They talk about the experiences of working within the sector, how it has impacted their lives in a positive way and why they would encourage others to follow a career within tourism. 

Many tourism businesses across Scotland are facing problems recruiting and retaining staff as they continue to recover from the lasting effects of the pandemic. As well as higher than usual numbers of people choosing to leave work, many businesses are struggling to recruit new staff.

VisitScotland Chief Executive Malcolm Roughead said“We want to inspire people to choose tourism as a career and have a direct impact on people in a positive way, helping to create life-long memories of Scotland. “Tourism is a force for good. It creates jobs, sustains communities and contributes significantly to the economy.”

This latest activity from the national tourism organisation follows on from the #LoveWhatYouDo recruitment campaign which was launched last year by the Scottish Government in partnership with VisitScotland and the Scottish Tourism Alliance (STA) to encourage people to choose a career within tourism and hospitality. 

People working within tourism and events are being encouraged to get involved and share what they love most about their job using #LoveWhatYouDo on social media. 

For more information, visit 


Working in tourism

VisitScotland launches a series of videos to promote tourism as a career

Asset type post
ID 111739
Word count 512 words


Licence Editorial A Licence to use assets for editorial purposes, which is, to illustrate an event or story in an article but not commercially such as marketing a product or print ad. An Editorial asset may show a brand, a trademarked logo or product, a public personality, or recognisable people, without a signed release or with limited releases. When you use VisitScotland Editorial content you do so to illustrate Scottish tourism in a positive way.
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Usage Editorial content can be published in a variety of formats ranging from print or digital to online. In print content can be featured in *newspapers *magazines *brochures. Online content can be published in a *blog *website *article or *social media. Regardless of the format this content should always promote Scotland’s tourism in a positive way.
