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Five Star quality in Lochgoilhead

A family-owned holiday park in Argyll has received VisitScotland’s top award following a £6.5m development.

Drimsynie Estate Holiday Village, located just outside the village of Lochgoilhead, received a Five Star grading from the national tourism organisation’s Quality Assurance (QA) Scheme in recognition of its exceptional standards. The QA Scheme is a benchmark for quality across the tourism industry and operates across accommodation, visitor attractions and food sectors.

Managed by the well-established Campbell family business, Argyll Holidays, the holiday park has launched a number of new facilities including a Spa & Gym, a purpose-built destination for events and a restaurant, since the multi-million pound investment. This development, along with an overall improvement in standards, led the Drimsynie to receive an upgrade from its previous Four Star grading.

Idyllically positioned on the banks of Loch Goil, the site can be used as a base to explore Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park. Determined to ensure their guests make the most of their time in the area, the business has joined an impressive network of VisitScotland Information Partners (VIPs), committed to providing visitors with local information.

Drimsynie Estate is where Argyll Holidays began back in 1968. Letting out six caravans on a small piece of ground, Douglas and Jean Campbell grew the park into the holiday village that can be seen today. The business, now managed by the second generation of the family, currently owns eight holiday parks and is also involved in hotels, retail and construction.

Accommodation available includes hotel rooms, self-catering caravans, secluded cottages and luxury lodges. Guests can also enjoy the purpose-built archery range, heated pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi.

Last year, the business was presented with Best Family Holiday Park in the Scottish Outdoor Leisure Awards.

Keith Campbell, Managing Director of Argyll Holidays, said: “Everyone is absolutely thrilled to receive VisitScotland’s top award. We have been working very hard to improve our facilities to ensure visitors have the best experience possible and it’s great that this has been acknowledged by the national tourism organisation.”

David Adams McGilp, VisitScotland Regional Director, said: “Well done to the team at Drimsynie Estate Holiday Village on receiving our highest accolade. A great deal of time, money and effort has been invested in improving the facilities here and I’m delighted they are receiving this well-deserved recognition.

“Our Quality Assurance Scheme is world-leading and provides a trusted, independent and impartial source of information for visitors. It is about much more than just a star rating – it is about the entire visitor experience and investing in the business to make it as economically sustainable, and profitable, as it can be.”

VisitScotland star awards are indicators of quality and provide reassurance to visitors. The national tourism organisation offers support to businesses to ensure they meet and exceed the high standards expected by visitors.

Launched in May 2016, the VIP programme ties in with VisitScotland’s global Spirit of Scotland campaign and harnesses the local knowledge, warmth and enthusiasm of partners across the country to help visitors receive the warmest of welcomes and make the most of their trip to Scotland.

For more information about Drymsynie Estate Holiday Village go to

For more details about the Quality Assurance Scheme and VIP programme go to

A photograph has been issued of the QA award. Left to right: Keith Campbell , Argyll Holidays; Allan Campbell - Argyll Holidays; Gordon Watson , CEO Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park; Roy Campbell, Argyll Holidays.


Five Star quality in Lochgoilhead

Argyll business gets tourism’s top grading

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ID 111710
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