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Historic hub is in the iKnow

An historic building at the heart of Dunoon’s community has partnered with VisitScotland to provide information for visitors to the town.

Dunoon Burgh Hall, an Historic Environment Scotland Category B listed building, has joined an impressive network of over 140 VisitScotland iKnow Partners across Argyll & the Isles. The iKnow Partner programme harnesses the local knowledge, warmth and enthusiasm of partners across the country to help visitors receive the warmest of welcomes and make the most of their trip to Scotland.

Built in 1874, the hall was the first theatre in Argyll, but had fallen into disrepair and lay unused for decades. Purchased by the John McAslan Family Trust in 2008, its restoration is an inspiring story of a Scottish community coming together to preserve its rich cultural heritage.

Reopened in 2017, the building is now a fully accessible venue for exhibitions, performances and gatherings. Alongside a gallery and theatre, the venue offers creative workshop space, a garden and a cafe.

It has become a creative and cultural hub in Cowal, making it an ideal partner for VisitScotland’s innovative approach to information provision. The iKnow partner accreditation will add value to the service they offer and make it easier than ever before for visitors to connect with local businesses. This will support the local economy and ensure communities in Dunoon and across Cowal enjoy the benefits brought by tourism.

The iKnow partner programme has been very popular across Scotland with over 2000 accommodation providers, visitor attractions and social enterprises joining up to ensure visitors receive first-class information. In Argyll & the Isles, Dunoon Burgh Hall joins Drimsynie Estate Holiday Village and Benmore Botanic Gardens, as well as a host of other tourism businesses across the region.

Cory MacRae, Volunteer Co-ordinator at Dunoon Burgh Hall, said: “Everyone at Dunoon Burgh Hall is committed to supporting the local community and protecting the town’s rich heritage. Many of the staff here are volunteers who give up their time to make sure this venue is available to local residents as well as visitors from across the world. We are very pleased to be working with VisitScotland to ensure visitors to Dunoon and Cowal have the best experience.”

Donald Hoy, VisitScotland Industry Relationship Manager, said: “Dunoon Burgh Hall is a fantastic venue and an excellent example of what a community can achieve when they come together. I’m delighted they have chosen to become a member of our iKnow Partner programme.

“The programme celebrates and supports tourism businesses as they act as local ambassadors and help provide information, assistance and advice on all there is to see and do here. This follows a growing trend among consumers to use online resources to plan their trips and we now have partners throughout the country providing high quality information and advice to visitors with whom they interact.”

The programme forms part of VisitScotland’s focus on information which also includes a global online community to allow Scots and those who love Scotland to bring alive the streets, characters and landscapes of our country.

The scheme is open to all Quality Assured businesses, as well as community groups, local authority-operated library services and social enterprises. VisitScotland provides the partner sites with official signage and collateral, promotional material and information resources to make sure visitors receive an excellent standard of information about the area and the rest of Scotland. For more information, visit

For more information about Dunoon Burgh Hall, go to

For more information about VisitScotland’s iKnow Partner programme, go to


Historic hub is in the iKnow

Dunoon venue joins innovative tourism programme

Asset type post
ID 111688
Word count 612 words


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