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Voluntourism: COP26 Media Bundles


COP26 is the ideal opportunity to think about the impact we can make in our travels.  We understand that voluntourism is on the rise as visitors have a desire to travel more sustainably and ethically.  Voluntourism or “working holidays” allows visitors to develop a deeper connection with Scotland, the locals, and their selves by leaving a positive impact on the places they visit.

In Scotland, there are a variety of fun, positive, and skillful volunteering opportunities for visitors to enjoy this autumn/winter and in 2022:

  • Volunteer of Scotland’s most sustainable island
  • Keep Scotland Beautiful
  • Embark on a wild Scottish adventure by volunteering with John Muir Trust
  • Conserve the Caledonian Forest
  • Help build and maintain trails with the Glentress Trailfairies
  • Help maintain the magic of Skye 

Voluntourism: COP26 Media Bundles

Voluntourism allows visitors to develop a deeper connection with Scotland and there are a variety of volunteering opportunities for visitors to enjoy. Download our COP26 media bundles to find out more.

Asset type post
ID 111615
Word count 143 words


Licence Editorial A Licence to use assets for editorial purposes, which is, to illustrate an event or story in an article but not commercially such as marketing a product or print ad. An Editorial asset may show a brand, a trademarked logo or product, a public personality, or recognisable people, without a signed release or with limited releases. When you use VisitScotland Editorial content you do so to illustrate Scottish tourism in a positive way.
Expiry No expiry date
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Usage Editorial content can be published in a variety of formats ranging from print or digital to online. In print content can be featured in *newspapers *magazines *brochures. Online content can be published in a *blog *website *article or *social media. Regardless of the format this content should always promote Scotland’s tourism in a positive way.
