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Live Like a Local: COP26 Media Bundles


Ever wanted to immerse yourself in local culture when travelling?  We have it covered.  Scotland has a range of off the beaten track locations, all of which have a variety of small, independent, and family-owned businesses that offer the best locally sourced products and celebrate resident traditions.  Learn how to live like a local in…

  • Edinburgh
  • Glasgow
  • Dundee
  • Fife
  • Aberdeen
  • Stirling
  • The Scottish Islands

Live Like a Local: COP26 Media Bundles

Download our COP26 media bundles to find out how to live like a local in Scotland.

Asset type post
ID 111609
Word count 79 words


Licence Editorial A Licence to use assets for editorial purposes, which is, to illustrate an event or story in an article but not commercially such as marketing a product or print ad. An Editorial asset may show a brand, a trademarked logo or product, a public personality, or recognisable people, without a signed release or with limited releases. When you use VisitScotland Editorial content you do so to illustrate Scottish tourism in a positive way.
Expiry No expiry date
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Usage Editorial content can be published in a variety of formats ranging from print or digital to online. In print content can be featured in *newspapers *magazines *brochures. Online content can be published in a *blog *website *article or *social media. Regardless of the format this content should always promote Scotland’s tourism in a positive way.
