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Teeing off Scottish golf tourism recovery


VisitScotland has today (27th July) launched a marketing campaign showcasing what the Home of Golf has to offer.

The film promoting golf tourism, which can be seen on TV and online from today, has the clear message that ‘Only in Scotland can travelling so little make such a big difference’.

The production is voiced by sports broadcaster Andrew Cotter, best known to golf fans for his BBC commentary at major championships.

It is part of the wider VisitScotland £3 million marketing campaign welcoming back Scottish tourism and reminding us what a beautiful country we have right on our doorsteps.

Aimed at the domestic market, the video encourages people to rediscover the world-class golf tourism product on their own doorstep and to take their golf holidays in Scotland rather than flying abroad. As well as avid golfers, the film also targets those who have not played for a while or not tried it before to appreciate how golf combines fresh air, exercise, scenery, companionship and friendly competition.

The film features a blend of some of Scotland’s iconic championship courses as well as those to suit any ability level and budget.

It will be going live on Monday 27th July both on STV and across digital platforms, including bunkered and PSP Media – the largest selling golf title in Scotland.

Golf was one of the first outdoor leisure activities that people could enjoy after lockdown and since restrictions for playing were lifted at the end of May, the topic ‘golf’ has seen the largest increase in searches in the last three months on Google and up 4% in the last month alone.

Golf tourism is worth more than £286million pounds to Scotland annually and employs over 4,400 people.

Speaking about the activity, VisitScotland’s Chief Executive Malcolm Roughead said:“With over 550 courses in Scotland, this film celebrates the huge variety of great venues right across the country, showing you don’t have to travel too far to have a fantastic experience. Alongside this though, it’s important we respect that tourism might not look the same as before, but the warm Scottish welcome remains. We ask that people follow the recommended guidelines, book in advance and respect the local communities so there’s something to enjoy for everyone.”Rural Economy and Tourism Cabinet Secretary Fergus Ewing said:“As the Home of Golf, Scotland’s golf tourism industry is the envy of the rest of the world and VisitScotland’s golf campaign will help restart this vital part of our tourism economy, serving as inspiration for Scots to rediscover the world-class offering on their own doorstep.”

The film can be seen here and across TV and online from today. 


Teeing off Scottish golf tourism recovery

VisitScotland launches emotive film highlighting great golfing experiences

Asset type post
ID 111482
Word count 602 words


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