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Tourism drive for Scotland’s south west


A new campaign is aiming to bring more visitors to south west Scotland by showcasing the remarkable offering of the South West Coastal 300 (SWC300) touring route.

SWC300 Touring Road Route

The national tourism organisation are supporting the campaign with a £20,000 VisitScotland Growth Fund award. This award provides support to national, regional and sectoral tourism groups across Scotland to help them deliver partnership marketing campaigns.

The campaign will use a range of inspiring digital content to showcase the route to visitors with a passion for travel and adventure seekers from the United Kingdom and Ireland. This will include the creation of new films, images and itineraries as well as work with influencers which will be shared across YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. 

It is expected the campaign will reach over 800k people via social media and at least double organic traffic to the South West Coastal 300 landing page on the VSWS website.

The campaign’s theme is that the SWC300 route will make visitors fall in love with South West Scotland. The campaign will showcase those aspects of the route which offer particular appeal to the key target markets: stunning scenery, a connection with nature and adventure sports. This theme has been identified as having the best fit with the target markets.

The SWC300 was designed by Motorcycle Scotland and VSWS adapted it to take in more attractions in the area. It is a circular route approximately 300 miles long, taking in the breath-taking coastline of Dumfries and Galloway and South Ayrshire, before heading across to Sanquhar, through to Moffat and finishing back in Dumfries.

Ian McAndrew, Chairman of Visit South West Scotland, said:Paula Ward, VisitScotland Regional Leadership Director, said “At VisitScotland we want to champion collaboration, spearhead digital innovation and promote local areas to make sure every part of Scotland enjoys the benefits of tourism.”

To learn more about VSWS and the #SWC300 go to 


For more information about VisitScotland Growth Fund, go to 


Tourism drive for Scotland’s south west

Campaign launched to showcase new route

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ID 111257
Word count 550 words


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