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Absence makes the art grow fonder


Aberdeen Art Gallery is set to reopen this weekend following a once-in a lifetime multi-million pound investment to create a major cultural attraction in the heart of the Granite City.

This world-class arts complex, which aims to be a must-visit attraction for both local residents and tourists alike, will throw its new doors open to the public on Saturday (2 November). The historic Grade-A listed buildings have been re-imagined as an exciting visitor destination which blends the historic with the contemporary. Visitor access, orientation and facilities have been dramatically improved, including the addition of a stunning new rooftop café.

The new Gallery will see dramatically increased display space for its nationally-recognised collection, with the number of galleries increasing from 11 to 19 and a further three galleries presenting a programme of regularly-changing special exhibitions. The number of items from the permanent collection on display has increased from 370 in 2015 to 1,080 in 2019.

Jo Robinson, VisitScotland Regional Director, said“The opening offers a real opportunity for civic pride at a time when the Granite City – renowned the world over as Europe’s oil capital – is moving in a new direction, becoming a credible player on Scotland’s leisure tourism stage.“We need to create world-class experiences, events and attractions to keep up with the ever-changing visitor demands. Visitors of all ages and backgrounds will be able to enjoy the enhanced programme of exhibitions at the new Gallery. “Tourism is more than a holiday experience – it is the heartbeat of the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire economy, touching every community, generating income, jobs and social change. “Scotland’s reputation as a quality destination relies on continued investment to ensure that current provision meets future demand. The refurbishment of Aberdeen Art Gallery will be a game-changer for the city’s tourism offering, attracting new visitors and drawing past visitors back to Aberdeen.”

The Gallery is expected to attract upwards of 250,000 visits per year making it one of the North-East’s most popular unpaid visitor attractions with the potential to generate an additional £1.1m spend in the wider local economy.  

For further information about Aberdeen Art Gallery, visit:


Absence makes the art grow fonder

Aberdeen Art Gallery reopens following £34.6m transformation

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ID 111236
Word count 421 words


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