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Golden Feat for Fort William

A Highland bed and breakfast with breath-taking views of Nevis Range, Ben Nevis and Aonach Mor has been awarded its 4 Star Gold Quality Assurance award from VisitScotland.

Torlundy House, located just outside Fort William, has been part of the QA Scheme since 2011 and owner Michael Dunham has invested in his B&B every year to improve the quality of accommodation offered to guests.

The national tourism organisation’s Quality Assurance (QA) Scheme is a benchmark for quality across the tourism industry and operates across accommodation, visitor attractions and food sectors.

The B&B offers four contemporary guest bedrooms, a residents’ lounge where visitors can relax and unwind after an action-packed day, as well as a breakfast room offering exceptional views.

Torlundy House has been in the Taste Our Best (TOB) scheme for the last five years – in 2014 it was applauded for its high quality and locally sourced, Scottish breakfast products from the surrounding area.

A joint initiative between VisitScotland and the Scottish Government, TOB is designed to recognise businesses including hotels, restaurants, cafes, takeaways, visitor attractions and B&Bs that not only offer a quality food and drink experience, but include and promote Scottish produce on their menus, giving consumers more choice

Michael also decided to join VisitScotland’s iKnow Partner programme – an accreditation that demonstrates the owner’s in-depth knowledge and expertise on topics around the Fort William area, enhancing further the experience of visitors to Torlundy House.

Chris Taylor, VisitScotland Regional Leadership Director, said: “Huge congratulations to Michael in achieving a well-deserved 4 Star Gold grading. He has worked with VisitScotland for the last five years, which shows just how committed he is in making Torlundy B&B a high-quality accommodation provider, delivering a fantastic experience to visitors in the Highlands.

The Quality Assurance award scheme helps businesses to reach their full potential and truly shine. The star rating reflects the entire visitor experience, as well as the investment in the business to make it as economically sustainable and profitable as it can be.”

Michael Dunham, owner of Torlundy House, said: “Improving service over the years has helped us to add value to our guest’s experience and achieve this Gold Award.

“Our aim has always been to provide a level of service and accommodation exceeding guest expectation.

“Receiving a Gold Award is down to hard work and our team at Torlundy House having a genuine interest in our guest's experience. Guests work hard for their holiday, very often coming from the other side of the world, and we feel they should have a great stay at Torlundy House.”

Visitors to Torlundy House can be entertained during their stay in the ‘Outdoor Capital of the UK’ with a plethora of activities on the doorstep, including hiking, mountain biking on diverse cross-country tracks, horse riding, skiing and toboganning, as well as a magical trip on the famous ‘Harry Potter’ Jacobite Steam Train.

For more information on Torlundy House, please visit: and to learn more about VisitScotland’s Quality Assurance and other schemes visit:


Golden Feat for Fort William

Band B praised for high quality customer service

Asset type post
ID 111192
Word count 535 words


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