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Another successful year for the ScotSpirit Breaks


485The ScotSpirit Breaks

Collaboration is at the heart of the project and thanks to the generosity of <strong>60</strong> <strong>partners </strong>across Scotland’s tourism industry, who donated accommodation, transport, meals and visitor attraction access,<strong> over 1800 people</strong> were able to experience a much-needed break in 2019. 

All families helped were referred by a professional working with them in a supporting role like a teacher, social worker or health visitor. All of these families are on low income, with many facing some of the toughest challenges life can bring such as mental health issues, inadequate housing, domestic violence or bereavement.

Over one in three people in Scotland are unable to take a break and over 250,000 children live in relative poverty. VisitScotland launched the ScotSpirit Breaks in 2016 to explore how the tourism sector could contribute to social inclusion and help tackle this issue.

This project has delivered a considerable impact on over <strong>6000 people</strong> in Scotland, giving <strong>1627 families</strong> the opportunity to participate in tourism, many for the first time. A survey of families who received the breaks found that <strong>97%</strong> got to visit a part of Scotland they had never seen before and <strong>90%</strong> said they could cope better after the experience.

VisitScotland and the Family Holiday Association are now looking forward to 2020, where they hope to gain the support of more tourism partners across the country and help more families get that fundamental break that will mean so much to them.

 Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs, said:

“ScotSpirit breaks is a wonderful example of public and private sector collaboration, and it’s heart-warming to hear of the many families who have benefitted from it. I look forward to continuing our work with VisitScotland in support of the Family Holiday Association, to ensure many more families who desperately need these breaks are able to take them.”


VisitScotland’s role has been to work with industry and public sectors alike in order to secure the breaks, collaborating in the private and public sector with a wide range of accommodation, transport and visitor attraction providers across the country. 

 Malcolm Roughead, VisitScotland Chief Executive, said:

“I’d like to extend my thanks to the Family Holiday Association and all the industry partners whose hard work and generosity allow these breaks to continue and give so many families that much-needed break. We can now look forward to 2020 where we can work to help even more people across the country enjoy the benefits of tourism.”

For over 40 years, the Family Holiday Association has provided breaks for families struggling with issues such as disability, severe and sudden illness, bereavement, mental health issues and domestic violence. The majority of families it supports have never been on a family holiday. 

 John Kinnear, Head of Programmes at the Family Holiday Association, said:

“Families have told us that their break made a big difference to mental health and helped to reduce isolation. We’re looking forward to working with partners across the Scottish tourism industry to help even more families in 2020.”

To find out more about the #ScotSpirit Breaks, go to 


For more information about the Family Holiday Association, go to 


Another successful year for the ScotSpirit Breaks

Scottish families receive breaks through inclusive tourism programme

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ID 111185
Word count 775 words


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