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On the list


MORE than one hundred tourism businesses and events have been shortlisted for a regional accolade in Scotland’s premier tourism and events awards.  

Accommodation providers, visitor attractions, hotels, restaurants, events and individuals the length and breadth of the country are in the running for a Scottish Thistle Award, as the shortlist for the regional finals is revealed.  

The Scottish Thistle Awards, which for the first time this year includes a media partnership with News Scotland, shine a spotlight on individual businesses and people working in this vital part of the Scottish economy, which is worth £11.5 billion.  

This year’s shortlist for the Lothian &amp; Borders; Central, Fife &amp; Tayside and West Regional Finals includes <strong>Edinburgh International Festival</strong> which is shortlisted in the <strong>Outstanding Cultural Event or Festival </strong>category, <strong>The Helix, Home of the Kelpies </strong>shortlisted in the <strong>Best Visitor Attraction Experience</strong> category and <strong>The Mull of Galloway Trust,</strong> Scotland’s most southerly point, which is shortlisted in the <strong>Best Self-Catering Experience </strong>category.  

These regional finalists will now come head-to-head with competition from other tourism businesses and events in their area at five different regional award ceremonies to be held in October and November.  

Delivered by national tourism organisation VisitScotland, the Scottish Thistle Awards, with headline sponsor Johnstons of Elgin, combine regional awards, including the Highlands and Islands Tourism Awards (HITA) and the Aberdeen City and Shire Tourism Awards (ACSTA), with a national final.  

The awards champion innovation, collaboration and sustainable practices, in line with the ambitions of the national tourism strategy, Outlook 2030.  

Responsible tourism is at the heart of the refreshed Scottish Thistle Awards, supporting the aim for Scotland to be recognised globally as a leader in this field.  

As well as a new national category celebrating those businesses and events which have embraced responsible tourism, every entry was required to provide clear evidence – covering the last two years - on how their business addresses four key areas of 

a low carbon economy, inclusivity, thriving communities and Scotland’s natural and cultural heritage. 

2022 saw more than 300 entries submitted, including almost 1,000 nominations from members of the public keen to give hotels, restaurants, B&amp;Bs, visitor attractions and individuals the opportunity to earn the recognition they deserve in the part they play in making Scotland such a fantastic place to visit.  

Steven Walker, Chair of the Scottish Thistle Awards industry panel, said“The Scottish Thistle Awards have attracted entries from right across the country, with every one of the shortlisted regional finalists demonstrating a commitment to innovative, collaborative and sustainable practices that are helping to support the recovery of our valuable tourism and events industry.“On behalf of the panel, I would like to congratulate all regional finalists and wish each and every one of them the very best of luck at the regional finals and beyond.”

The Scottish Thistle Awards are delivered by VisitScotland, in partnership with Highlands &amp; Islands Tourism Awards (HITA) and the Aberdeen City and Shire Tourism Awards (ACSTA) and supported by a panel of industry representatives. This year’s sponsors of the Scottish Thistle Awards include headline sponsor, Johnstons of Elgin, Fishers and Abbey UK.  

Regional finals will take place in different locations around Scotland covering areas such as Central Fife and Tayside, Lothian &amp; Borders, West, the Highlands and Islands, organised by the Highlands and Islands Tourism Awards, and Aberdeen City and Shire, which is organised by Aberdeen City and Shire Tourism Awards. 

  •  The Central, Fife & Tayside Regional Final will take place at Prestonfield House Hotel in Edinburgh on Thursday 27 October. 
  • The Lothian & Borders Regional Final will take place at Prestonfield House Hotel in Edinburgh on Thursday 27 October.  
  • The Highlands and Islands Regional Final, organised by the Highlands and Islands Tourism Awards, will take place at the Kingsmill Hotel in Inverness on Friday 4 November. 
  • The West Regional Final will take place at Òran Mór, Glasgow, on Thursday 10 November.  
  • The Aberdeen City and Shire Regional Final, organised by Aberdeen City and Shire Tourism Awards, will take place at the Chester Hotel, Aberdeen, on Friday 11 November.  
  • Best B&B or Guest House Experience, sponsored by Abbey UK  
  • Best Bar orf Pub 
  • Best Eatery Experience 
  • Best Hotel Experience (over 20 rooms), sponsored by Fishers 
  • Best Hotel Experience (under 20 rooms) 
  • Best Outdoor or Adventure Experience 
  • Best Self-Catering Experience 
  • Best Visitor Attraction Experience 
  • Food Tourism Award 
  • Outstanding Cultural Event or Festival 
  • Regional Ambassador 
  • Tourism & Hospitality Hero 
  • Working Together for Tourism 

On the list

Regional shortlist unveiled for Scottish Thistle Awards

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ID 111138
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