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Great Polish Map of Scotland

Great Polish Map of Scotland

The Great Polish Map of Scotland is a large three-dimensional, outdoor concrete scale model of Scotland, located in the grounds of the Barony Castle Hotel, outside the village of Eddleston near Peebles in the Scottish Borders. It is also known as the Mapa Scotland or the Barony Map. The brainchild of Polish war veteran Jan Tomasik, it was built between 1974 and 1979 and is claimed to be the world’s largest terrain relief model. The sculpture is a category B listed building, and has been restored by a group calling itself Mapa Scotland.

Asset type image
Asset extension JPG
File size 19.5 MB
Dimensions 5272×3515px
ID 110131


Licence Royalty Free You can use this asset for marketing and advertising campaigns promoting Scotland as a tourism destination without paying royalties or license fees. It can be used for creating promotional materials, advertisements, and digital campaigns to highlight Scotland's experiences to encourage people to Live, work, study, or visit. However, it can't be used for any other purpose that doesn't promote Scotland.
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